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Gustav Zhuravlev
Gustav Zhuravlev

Windows Trust 4.5 Iso

Windows Trust 4.5 ISO: A Customized and Optimized Version of Windows 7

Windows Trust 4.5 ISO is a modified version of Windows 7 that integrates the latest official updates from Microsoft, as well as many software and tools to facilitate system administration. It is based on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise SP2 in its 32-bit version, and it aims to be lighter, faster, more stable and more secure than the original version of Microsoft. It is mainly designed for advanced users and tinkerers, but it also suits general public use.

Windows trust 4.5 iso

What are the features and benefits of Windows Trust 4.5 ISO?

Windows Trust 4.5 ISO offers many advantages over the standard Windows 7, such as:

  • A reduced installation time and disk space requirement

  • A simplified and customizable interface

  • A better compatibility with hardware and software

  • A higher performance and stability

  • A stronger security and privacy

  • A built-in patcher that allows the use of valid Microsoft licenses

  • A large selection of pre-installed applications, such as antivirus, firewall, browser, media player, office suite, etc.

  • A set of exclusive tools developed for Windows Trust, such as WTUpdate (a utility to update the system), WTRegOpt (a registry optimizer), WTBackup (a backup manager), etc.

What are the drawbacks and limitations of Windows Trust 4.5 ISO?

Windows Trust 4.5 ISO is not a perfect solution, and it has some drawbacks and limitations, such as:

  • A questionable legality, as the modification of the core components of Windows violates the End User License Agreement (EULA) of Microsoft, and the distribution of such a version without official authorization is prohibited

  • A possible loss of warranty and support from Microsoft and other vendors

  • A potential risk of compatibility issues with some applications or devices that require specific components or drivers from Windows 7

  • A lack of updates and patches for some components or applications that are not included in Windows Trust 4.5 ISO

  • A difficulty to find reliable sources and documentation for Windows Trust 4.5 ISO, as most of them are in French or not official

How to download and install Windows Trust 4.5 ISO?

If you want to try Windows Trust 4.5 ISO, you can download it from various websites or torrent trackers, but be careful to check the integrity and authenticity of the file before running it. You will need a valid Microsoft license to activate Windows Trust 4.5 ISO after installation.

To install Windows Trust 4.5 ISO, you can either burn it to a DVD or create a bootable USB drive using a tool like Rufus or WinToFlash. Then, you can boot from the DVD or USB drive and follow the instructions on the screen. You can choose between a standard installation or a customized installation that allows you to select the components and applications you want to install.


Windows Trust 4.5 ISO is an alternative version of Windows 7 that offers many features and benefits for advanced users and tinkerers, but also some drawbacks and limitations for general users and legal aspects. It is not an official product from Microsoft, and it is not supported or endorsed by them. It is up to you to decide whether you want to use it or not, but be aware of the risks and consequences involved. c481cea774


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